- 荒井智大Doctoral School of Biomedical Sciences, KU LeuvenDepartment of Development and Regeneration
- 大古一聡University of California, BerkeleyElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
- 川手里桜California Institute of TechnologyMechanical Engineering
- 杉山優衣Oregon Health & Science UniversityNeuroscience
- 髙橋秀明Columbia UniversityDepartment of Computer Science
- 中島悠翔University of Minnesota, Twin CitiesPhysics
- 宮武茉子University of California, BerkeleyMechanical Engineering
- 本橋悠人Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ZürichQuantum Engineering
- 安室美陽Georgia Institute of TechnologySchool of Biological Sciences, Biology
- 渡邊優大University of California San DiegoElectrical and Computer Engineering
- 青木俊樹Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyEECS
- 安齊周University of California, Los AngelesComputer Science
- 安藤宏紀University of ArizonaEnvironmental Health Sciences
- 宇都隆宏Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ZürichPhysics
- 大島知子Stanford UniversityChemical and Systems Biology
- 金村真奈美Carnegie Mellon UniversityPhysics
- 河井理雄Harvard UniversityJohn A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
- 清原明加Cornell UniversityComputer Science
- 久壽米木啓悟Cornell UniversityInformation Science
- 白川亮Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyEconomics
- 勝山翔紀University of California, San DiegoComputer Science
- 坂田莉奈University of CambridgeMRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
- 伊藤絵美University of California, BerkeleyChemistry
- 宇隨佳Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyEconomics
- 大西由吾Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyPhysics
- 神宮亜良太Saarland UniversityComputer Science
- 田中彬義University of VirginiaElectrical Engineering
- 長谷川公大Carnegie Mellon UniversityComputer Science
- 平田憲The University of Colorado BoulderAtmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
- 藤田創Stanford UniversityBioengineering
- 柳伶旺California Institute of TechnologyApplied and Computational Mathematics
- 松尾理夏University of California, San DiegoBioengineering
- 荒川陸Carnegie Mellon UniversityComputer Science
- 磯部知弥University of CambridgeHaematology
- 織井理咲University of WashingtonPaul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
- 黒岩麟平Johns Hopkins UniversitySchool of Medicine, Cross Disciplinary Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences
- 河野麗University of PennsylvaniaElectrical and Systems Engineering
- 河野遥希Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyEconomics
- 近藤耕太Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyAeronautics and Astronautics
- 齋藤優太Cornell UniversityComputer Science
- 妹尾歩University of Colorado at BoulderPhysics
- 花田美月University of California, BerkeleyMathematics
- 明石晃一University of St Andrews
- 呉悠Boston University
- 五十嵐祐花Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
- 勝山湧斗University of California, Los AngelesChemistry and Biochemistry
- 兼田真周Yale UniversityChemical & Environmental Engineering
- 古賀樹University of California, San DiegoComputer Science
- 小平暁雄University of California, BerkeleyMechanical Engineering
- 宍倉真理McGill UniversityNeuroscience
- 髙柳早希Johns Hopkins UniversityMedicine
- 立石泰佳University College LondonEconomics
- 田場大我Yale School of Architecture
- 西尾祐哉Stanford UniversityElectrical Engineering
- 若原征哉University of MinnesotaLand and Atmospheric Science
- 井上剛New York UniversityComputer Science
- 大柴行人Stanford UniversityManagement Science & Engineering
- 大西基也University of WashingtonComputer Science & Engineering
- 黒岩広大University of WaterlooInstitute for Quantum Computing
- 茂山丈太郎Hasso Plattner InstituteHasso Plattner InstituteHuman Computer Interaction
- 平山千明University of California, San DiegoComputer Science and Engineering
- PhamThanh LongCarnegie Mellon UniversityComputer Science
- 三浦憲BrownUniversityEconomics
- 安永迪弘Stanford UniversityComputer Science
- 山岸敦PrincetonUniversityEconomics
- 藁谷二千翔University of Cambridge
- 大岸誠人The Rockefeller UniversitySt. Giles Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases
- 笠井淳吾University of WashingtonComputer Science
- 胡緯華Stanford UniversityComputer Science
- 佐藤わかなUniversity of Minnesota Twin CitiesBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics
- 白井有樹University of California, Los AngelesMechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- 山口光史郎University of WashingtonAeronautics and Astronautics
- 山田祐太朗Yale UniversityStatistics
- 和田健司New York UniversityEconomics
- 石田秀University of Oxford
- 石原みやびUniversity of California, Berkeleystatistics
- 上原雅俊Cornell UniversityComputer Science
- 大谷直樹Carnegie Mellon UniversityLanguage Technologies Institute
- 古賀祐海Harvard UniversityChemistry & Chemical Biology
- 小松夏実Rice UniversityElectrical and Computer Engineering
- 塚本紘康California Institute of TechnologySpace Engineering
- 林佑明Carnegie Mellon UniversityLanguage Technologies Institute
- 馬渕祐太Cornell UniversityNeurobiology and Behavior
- 村上愛Northwestern UniversityEconomics
- 蜷川琴音Brown University
- 平川奇跡University of Cambridge
- 磯村真由子Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule ZurichChemistry and Applied Biosciences
- 今里和樹Northwestern UniversityMaterials Science and Engineering
- 小栗直己University of MichiganMacromolecular Science and Engineering
- 苅田裕也University of California, BerkeleyBiophysics Graduate Group
- 塩田佳代子Yale UniversityEpidemiology of Microbial Diseases
- 澁谷陽子Stanford UniversityEconomics
- 武田悠作Harvard UniversityGraduate School of Business Administration
- 谷川洋介Stanford UniversitySchool of Medicine
- 田主陽Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyChemistry
- 鄭麗嘉Cornell UniversityChemistry and Chemical Biology
- 村上和也University of MichiganMechanical Engineering
- 吉永宏佑Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyChemistry
- 青木俊介Carnegie Mellon UniversityElectrical & Computer Engineering
- 荒川智洋Purdue UniversitySchool of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- 磯野文香University of California, BerkeleyApplied Science and Technology
- 鵜飼貴也Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyAeronautics and Astronautics
- 種田修三University of ArizonaSchool of Plant Science, Plant Pathology
- 苅田譲The Scripps Research Institute
- 久門智祐University of Pennsylvaniabiology
- 小林雄貴University of California, BerkeleyChemistry
- 塩出晴海Harvard Business School
- 田口厚志Harvard UniversityBiological and Biomedical Sciences
- 武田航平London School of EconomicsEconomics
- 釣巻瑶一郎Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMechanical Engineering
- 永島航洋Carnegie Mellon University The Tepper School of Business
- 早坂丈University of California, BerkeleyMechanical Engineering
- 深見柾也University of ChicagoInstitute for Molecular Engineering
- 福井真夫Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyEconomics
- 宮武平Harvard School of Engineering and Applied SciencesMechanical Engineering
- 五十嵐歩美University of OxfordComputer Science
- 岡本一秀Georgia Institute of TechnologySchool of Aerospace Engineering
- 勝谷郁也Rice UniversityElectrical and Computer Engineering
- 金石大佑University of California, BerkeleyMechanical Engineering
- 川上和也University of OxfordComputer Science
- 川口賢司Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyComputer Science
- 下英恵University of CambridgeGraduate School of Life Sciences
- 田中秀宣Harvard UniversityApplied Physics
- 野田俊也Stanford UniversityEconomics
- 南出将志Pennsylvania State UniversityMeteorology
- 曽根彬Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyNuclear Science and Engineering
- 猪爪宏彰Carnegie Mellon UniversityRobotics Institute
- 大滝謙太University of California, IrvineMaterials Science and Engineering
- 澤田真行Yale UniversityGraduate School of Arts and Sciences
- 重本祐樹University of CambridgeEngineering Institute for Manufacturing / Design Management Group
- 篠原肇University of CambridgeCavendish Laboratory
- 中村拓磨Georgia Institute of TechnologyAerospace Engineering
- 前田一輝California Institute of TechnologyMechanical Engineering
- 荒木淳Carnegie Mellon UniversityLanguage Technologies Institute
- 生駒勇人Stanford UniversityElectrical Engineering
- 潮田佑The University of ChicagoEconomics
- 佐藤徳之Stanford UniversityElectrical Engineering
- 鳥取聡一郎ETH Zurich
- 長野光希University of Southern CaliforniaComputer Science, Computer Graphics
- 西田祐木Carnegie Mellon UniversityInformation Networking Insitute
- 畠山大輝University of California, BerkeleyMechanical Engineering
- 森亮University of California, BerkeleyApplied Science and Technology
- 山田倫大University of OxfordLogic, Foundations and Structures
- 牛込陽介Royal College of ArtDesign Interactions
- 岡本尚也University of CambridgeSpintronics
- 高橋亜希子The University for Art and Industrial Design, Linz
- 方弘毅Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyAuronautics & Astronautics
- 山本薫University of CambridgeControl engineering
- 梅谷信行Columbia University
- 近藤誠Stanford UniversityManagement Science and Engineering
- 高野博幸Carnegie Mellon UniversityComputer Science
- 森口博貴Cornell UniversityComputer Science
- 吉本英樹Royal College of ArtInnovation Design Engineering